MyBiotech (MyB) is an innovative SME with long years of R&D&I track as CDMO offering end to end development, manufacturing services and innovative products for biotech and pharma with proprietary production and processing technologies. MyBiotech`s mission is bringing biotechnology and pharmaceutical products into the market in a fast and efficient way.
MyPharma department, pharmaceuticals division, focuses on development and production of nano- and microparticles by using the most appropriate technology including continuous manufacturing technologies. MyB`s innovative particle formulations are designed to maximize the benefits of the particulate systems and services shorten the time to market by integration of developed particulate systems to existing down processing methods and manufacturing lines. MyPharma is specialised on technology transfer of particulate formulations from concept through development all the way up to GMP manufacturing. MyB is continuously developing and adapting innovative production methods for GMP manufacturing and processing of particulate systems.