VIKRAM THERMO (INDIA) LIMITED is a public limited company that was incorporated in the year 1984. We are based out of the state of Gujarat (Western India). Vikram Thermo has established itself as one of the prominent manufacturers of Pharmaceutical Excipients. Over the years, our company has been accredited with certifications like ISO 9001-2015 and it later became one of India’s first company to be awarded with EXCiPACT GMP
Vikram Thermo is engaged in the manufacturing of Pharma polymers (Wide range of Methacrylic acid co-polymers) & Customized Pharma polymers (Readymix) for various application including Film Coating, Enteric coating, Moisture Barrier coating, Taste masking, Sustained release, etc. We have US DMF & Halal certifications available to support your dossier filings.
Today, our products like DRUGCOAT, DRCOAT, APION and AQUAPOL are very well known products in Pharma Industries.