Formulation and Delivery
Jeffrey Hubbell, PhD (he/him/his)
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
The immune system exists in a delicate balance of mounting active, effector responses to fight infection from invading pathogens and to kill mutated cells that could lead to cancer, while existing in an active state of tolerance to the non-self contents of the gut and on the skin and to self proteins throughout the body. Dysfunction can lead to susceptibility to infection and cancer on the one hand, and to allergy and autoimmunity on the other. Approaches to modulate inflammation and immunity both locally in disease sites and systemically will be presented. Targeting tolerogenic cytokines to the secondary lymphoid organs will be presented as one approach to antigen-nonspecific therapy, as well as targeting tolerogenic cytokines to sites of inflammatory disease. Targeted antigen delivery as an approach to antigen-specific inverse vaccination in autoimmune and allergy models will also be presented.